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ReThink Disposable, a project of environmental nonprofit Clean Water Fund, has launched an ambitious program to provide free support to 100 food businesses in Alameda, CA to go packaging free by the end of 2018. The program aims to save the average small food business $5,000 in packaging costs by reducing 2,000 pounds in waste, or 104,000 pieces of packaging.
Klean Kanteen is proud to be a major supporter of this initiative, as their goals directly align with our mission to reduce single-use waste. Learn more about Unpackaging Alameda below, including special discounts on reusable solutions for business and community members.
Unpackaging Alameda Initiative
"We’re all about trying to create a cultural shift away from our society’s reliance on single-use disposable packaging," said ReThink Disposable program manager Samantha Sommer. "To do that, you need a model community, and we’re delighted that Alameda has won through a competitive process to become the model community we’re looking for."
Mayor Trish Spencer and Kerry Parker, City of Alameda, Clean Water Fund Program Manager, Samantha Sommer, and Donna Layburn, President, Downtown Alameda Business Association, launch the program publicly at Alameda Art and Wine Faire.

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Valid on 2 orders. SHIPPING ADDRESS MUST BE WITHIN ALAMEDA. Orders with shipping addresses outside of Alameda will be cancelled.

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As a family and employee-owned company, we don't have to answer to stakeholders. We're free to operate based on our values every single day. We've built our business by prioritizing the well being of people and the planet and by designing sustainable, high-performance products.